Asbestos and fiber - Accessories

In addition to our sampling pumps, we offer complementary accessories for your measurements and analyzes. Facilitate and consolidate your purchases with compatible, high-performance accessories, including a thoracic fraction air sampling head, a particle suspension ventilator, an electronic mass flow meter, a portable battery case, a retractable tripod, and air sampling cassettes.

ACS Ventilateur

Fan for retention in suspension of fibers and particles


Air sampling head for asbestos and fibers diagnosis

AYrspire NUC ®

Air sampling head for asbestos and fibers diagnosis

AYrspire Accessory

AYrspire Accessory - For calibration and leak testing

High stability tripod

Support tripod for high stability sampling head

Silicone tube

High quality translucent silicone hose







ZAC de TESAN - Impasse des Carignans N°10
30126 Saint-Laurent-des-Arbres - FRANCE

Phone : +33 [0]4 66 82 51 89

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